Saturday, August 1, 2009

What color hair highlights look good on olive skin girls with black hair and brown eyes?

a nice red highlight would look great!!!

What color hair highlights look good on olive skin girls with black hair and brown eyes?

A strong blue base with a golden reach

What color hair highlights look good on olive skin girls with black hair and brown eyes?

i have olive skin tone and i got highlight with red tone it looked great on me

What color hair highlights look good on olive skin girls with black hair and brown eyes?

My sister-in-law has black hair and she just got some light copper highlights. But not a lot of them. It looks good.

What color hair highlights look good on olive skin girls with black hair and brown eyes?

I would go with a red or a brown

What color hair highlights look good on olive skin girls with black hair and brown eyes?

try some blond highlights not too brights and remember peroxide can damage your hair so go to a professional

What color hair highlights look good on olive skin girls with black hair and brown eyes?

red or purple

What color hair highlights look good on olive skin girls with black hair and brown eyes?

Caramel Highlights look good.. but not much...highlights are kinda out of style..the original look is much more appealing.

What color hair highlights look good on olive skin girls with black hair and brown eyes?

my friend and i have black hair and olive skin tone and she went and had blonde highlights put in her hair, it took a day to get used to but it looks soo great! i would say blonde definitely :)

What color hair highlights look good on olive skin girls with black hair and brown eyes?

with that natural colouring, you can't go wrong with red, copper, or caramel coloured highlights

What color hair highlights look good on olive skin girls with black hair and brown eyes?

Most people suggest to someone with your coloring to go with reddish tones. Even the pros will tend to do that. But in my own experience, that is SO WRONG for black hair/olive skin. What might look good might surprise you. Dark ASH blonde highlights can look stunning with your coloring. Do make sure to lighten the base to a med-light brown also. Make sure you find a really good colorist. And don't overhighlight! Less is more.

What color hair highlights look good on olive skin girls with black hair and brown eyes?

either red or a light kind of caramel colour would look nice

What color hair highlights look good on olive skin girls with black hair and brown eyes?

red would look good or even a lighter brown

What color hair highlights look good on olive skin girls with black hair and brown eyes?

red, copper, caramel. nothing too light or shallow. You need rich warm tones

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