Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Light brown hair to black with electric blue highlights?

Hello I was curious if I would be able to pull off changing my light brown/dirty blond hair to black with blue highlights. My hair is shoulder length and layer, and I have blue eyes, and what I call tan skin becaue it looks like I have a constant tan. I was just curious if it would go with my skin tone and all.


Light brown hair to black with electric blue highlights?

um no that might turn out ugly

Light brown hair to black with electric blue highlights?

that would have looked good in 1985

Light brown hair to black with electric blue highlights?

I have that done and it looks really cool my hair is naturally really dark so i had *flashes* bleached into it by a hair dresser then bought my own hair dye (star gazer) and put the blue in! your best using semi-pemament hair dye as that way if you get bored of blue you can go for a different colour! Then change would be big so ask a hair dresser for how dark you shouuld go some people cant pull hair that is dark.xx

Light brown hair to black with electric blue highlights?

Black is drastic and too hard to fade out.

Light brown hair to black with electric blue highlights?


Light brown hair to black with electric blue highlights?

i think it would look good.. just make sure you reallllllly wanna put black in because its hard to get out unless you bleach your hair. also use semi permenant blue but you have to bleach the strips where its gunna be blue first or else it will turn out green. I had a friend who did the same exact thing and it came out really good =]

hope i helped!

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