Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Using kool-aid for hair highlights?

i know it sounds crazy but a friend of the family told me about it. how do i do it? is there other homeade dyes you can use?


Using kool-aid for hair highlights?

I wouldn't try it as it sounds as though it may damage the hair. Perhaps the local beauty school clinic can add some highlights for a nominal fee.

Using kool-aid for hair highlights?

Google it. It's not perminant by any means, it will stain things and smell. It's fun, though.

Using kool-aid for hair highlights?

u could but it wont stay for long

ive also done

food die

only last for two days

or till u was it good

Using kool-aid for hair highlights?

I read that you're supposed to add 1 packet of kool-aid for every 1 or 2 cups of hot water. Then simmer the water, but don't boil it. wait till it cools down a bit, then dip the hair in. I suppose you could brosh it in with a toothbrush for streaks or something.

Then wash your hair with a tiny bit of shampoo.

I THINK. Don't try it until you get confirmation.

Using kool-aid for hair highlights?


That page pretty much says it all. Good luck!

And as far as I know there are no other home made dyes except for that and the hair dye you can buy at pharmacy's.


Using kool-aid for hair highlights?

I think blondes have to be very careful with this, since it can take forever to get out.

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