Thursday, July 30, 2009

HI people,I am planning to dye my hair auburn, however I don't know what highlights would best

Also, I am asian so I don't want to go crazy with my hair,what highlights do you think will look nice. Please give me pictures of it.Thanks

HI people,I am planning to dye my hair auburn, however I don't know what highlights would best suit it.?

I would get like light strawberry blonde highlights. or light brown.

HI people,I am planning to dye my hair auburn, however I don't know what highlights would best suit it.?

chocolate brown....

HI people,I am planning to dye my hair auburn, however I don't know what highlights would best suit it.?

Well auburn is a nice color and I think a light brown to a dirty blonde would look nice, you doent want very light highlights it wil ltake away the deepness of the color!

HI people,I am planning to dye my hair auburn, however I don't know what highlights would best suit it.?

light brown would look really good

HI people,I am planning to dye my hair auburn, however I don't know what highlights would best suit it.?

depends if you want them to be totlaly noticeable if you want them noticable go for brown if not and want them more discrete like under your hair then go fora slighty lighter colour then your hair dye.

HI people,I am planning to dye my hair auburn, however I don't know what highlights would best suit it.?

Deep brown or try some carmel ones, those always look great!

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